Foot disorders



回内足へのインソール装着の弊害 内股歩きの子供達は、足首が回内足の子供が多いのですがそのアライメントを治していくのは、インソールで治そうとする方が多いのですが、そんな単純に考えないで欲しいのです! なぜなら、子供の足首は柔軟性があるし、足のアライメントは、複雑だからです。 回内足に対して、一般的に行っているのがインソール装着です。 このインソール、以下のリール動画でも解説しているように悪影響を及ぼす可能性もあるのです。 (もちろん病理的な変形には、効果があることは確かです) インスタ動画『なぜか?ガニ股で着地してしまう女の子』 それは、今回の動画で解説している『回外足』です。子供達は、内側に倒れない=外側に倒すと思ってしまいます。インソールで内側が高くなることにより足は外側(回外足)へ倒れてしまい、同様の結果になることもありえるのです。 インスタ動画『子どもへのインソールの悪影響』 足の構造を理解した施術者が、分かりやすく解説してあげると、きっと子供達は、解剖学に興味を持ち、治し方を自分でも実行できるのです。はじめはぎこちなくてもいいのです! 靴に頼ること、インソールに頼ること、そろそろ辞めましょう! 子供達を自然な成長に向かわせてあげましょう! 子供内股歩行研究センター 代表 木津直昭Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。


Toward a fundamental improvement in Osgood-Schlatter disease

Foot disorders that occur during your child's growth period Osgood's disease, shin splints, jumper's knee, Seaver's disease, etc., are all causes. In this article, we will explain the mechanism, how to deal with Osgood's disease, and what to do to improve it. Osgood-Schlatter disease (abbreviated as Osgood's disease) is a sports injury caused by bone growth during the growth period, and is a disease that causes painful inflammation of the bone and cartilage at the top of the shin bone (tibia). It is caused by the fact that excessive flexion and extension of the knee joint puts a load on the rough surface of the tibia to which the patellar ligament attaches, and a force is generated to peel off that part. The main symptoms include knee pain, swelling, tenderness, redness, and feverishness. The pain is aggravated by certain movements, such as running, kneeling, jumping, etc., and is relieved by rest. Osgood's disease is common in growing boys aged 10~16 years and occurs more often in sports such as jumping and kicking a ball. It is most common in children aged 10~15 years who actively play sports such as basketball and soccer. According to a survey in the United States, the prevalence of Osgood-Schlatter disease in 12 to 15 years old (males and females) is said to be 9.8%. Osgood's disease is a transient disease during the developmental period, and most of them are cured when growth is completed, so conservative treatment is the basis. If the pain is severe and there are local inflammation findings on the rough surface of the tibia, it is important to refrain from sports. Since the flexibility of the quadriceps muscle decreases and the tibial rough surface is strained, stretching, icing, warm-up and cool-down to improve the flexibility of the quadriceps muscle play a major role.  In our treatment, we use the Graston Technique for Osgood's disease, with a focus on removing ligament adhesions and contractures at the patellar tendon ligament attachment area, which is the affected area. The Graston Technique improves the repair power of poor quality patellar tendon ligaments that have adhesions and contractures. After the procedure, icing and stretching of the quadriceps are performed. Toward Fundamental Improvement: Another possible root cause is the inability to use the floor reaction force well. We will strengthen the ankle stabilizing muscle groups such as the plantar muscle group, the flexor longus muscles, and the posterior tibialis muscles, and repair the alignment of the joints that hinder the chain of connection to the knee, hip joint, and trunk to connect the vector of force from the floor during jumps to the knees, hip joints, and trunk, and adjust the way the body is used. Alignment of the ankle joint is especially important. Instagram (Master of Posture) Osgood's Disease Watch the reel video (Graston Technique) here ============================== Sunday, June 2 9:30~11:30 Events for children's inner thigh walking & posture improvement Participation fee: ¥2000 * Things to watch out for when you are a child What you can and can't do while raising children, tools to be aware of * What parents should be aware of until the growth period Various risk factors in the growth process, such as crawling, strollers, shoes, etc. * About the posture self-check method for children Early detection of scoliosis and inner thigh gait * What you can do to improve your child's posture and gait Self-care at home About the Children's Inner Thigh Walking Research Center was established more than 10 years ago, which led to clinical research on children's inner thigh walking and posture, and now there is a flood of children suffering from inner thigh walking from Japan and overseas. This time, information about children's inner thighs and self-care, including actual walking and posture checks, can be taken for a very reasonable participation fee of 2000 yen, which is an informative event that parents should definitely listen to! Click here for details and registration for the June 2 (Sun) Nagoya Children's Event ============================== Inner Thigh Gait Research Center Representative Naoaki Kizu LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.


Shin splints are common during the growing season

■シンスプリントについて: シンスプリントとは、脛骨過労性骨膜炎(英語で Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome)を指し、下腿内側に位置する脛骨の下方1/3に痛みが発生することを特徴とします。(外側の場合もあり) 最近ではマラソンランナーに多く、学生では、走ることやジャンプすることの多いサッカー、バレーボール、バスケットボール、陸上の選手にも発生しやすい。特に成長期に多い疾患であり、中学生になって、運動をしていなかった子供が急に過度な練習をしたことにより起こりやすい疾患でもあります。 ■症状に分類 シンスプリントは状態に応じて、以下のように分類できます。 ステージ1:運動時のみ痛みがある ステージ2:運動前後に痛みがあるが、スポーツ活動に支障はない ステージ3:運動前中後に痛みがあり、スポーツ活動に支障をきたす ステージ4:痛みが強くスポーツ活動は不可能 ステージ3以上では運動を中止する必要があります。 ■原因について: シンスプリントの直接原因は、足から脛骨にかけて繋がっている筋群の過剰な負荷が、足の脛骨を覆っている骨膜に対して引っ張る(剥がす)刺激が加えられるために起こす障害です。 オーバーユース(使い過ぎ)によるものや、床からの運動連鎖による障害が考えられます。結果、脛骨骨膜に過剰な負担が重なると炎症を起こすため、腫れや痛みが生じることになります。 痛みや腫れを放置したままスポーツを続けると、重症化して「疲労骨折」となり、しばらく運動禁止となる可能性もあるので、速やかに適切な対応が必要です。 一般的な対処法 症状悪化および慢性化を防ぐために、運動量を減らす 運動前後のアイシング(氷で患部を冷やす) 湿布などの鎮痛消炎剤(整形外科検査) 上記の連鎖を改善させる機能トレーニング 自分の足のクセに応じたシューズ選び。 状態によって足底板(インソール?The use of shoe insoles As a particularly important intervention method of KIZU chiropractic (1) Treatment to adjust the ascending chain, which is the movement chain from the floor (2) Alignment correction of the ankle joint (scaphoid bone, cubic bone, talus, etc.) (3) Alignment correction of the pelvis, lumbar spine, and cervical spine Click here for the shin splint jump correction video ■ Discussion The above video is It is a modified version of the jumping method that is common in shin splints. As shown in the first video, when the ankle joint becomes a pronation foot, the scaphoid bone ~ talus located on the inside falls and the plantar arch collapses. Due to the repetition of this fall, pain is thought to gradually occur due to the load that causes the muscle group attached to the upper tibial periosteum to peel off from the periosteum. Written by: Naoaki Kizu Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.


a mechanism common in the aftereffects of ankle sprains

Mechanisms that often occur after the sequelae of ankle sprains After spraining the ankle, fixation is essential for the repair of ligaments. It depends on the severity, but it is fixed by bandages and taping from Gibbs. Sprains often improve the affected area (such as ligaments) between 2 weeks and 1 month, but there are cases where pain and dysfunction remain after the ligament is repaired. A sequelae that occurs after this ankle sprain is a distal joint release due to damage to the anterior tibia and fibula. When this articular release occurs, ankle mobility is significantly reduced. It is painful with various movements such as bottom flexion, back flexion, rotation, etc., and the range of motion is narrowed. In addition, the walking phase is disturbed because the pain in walking appears. From the perspective of people, it becomes a walk that is said, "Are your feet okay?" (I named this way of walking penguin walking.) The fixation of the ligament outside the ankle (such as the anterior fibula) caused by a general inverted sprain is the first priority, and if the healing is bad, you may suspect damage to the anterior tibial fibula. In particular, it is likely to occur when a person with a loss of flat feet or plantar arches becomes a sprain and is fixed for a long time. If this joint release occurs (the fixed period may be short), the swelling under the knee will become severe. This is because it is painful to use the abdominal muscles and anterior tibial muscles when walking, so it naturally becomes "penguin walking". This petapeta walking method is useful on snowy roads, but since it does not use the lower leg muscle group, the heart pump becomes difficult to work. If you walk and use muscles→ you will want to walk more than → swelling→ loosening of the ligaments will worsen → fall into a vicious circle that the cure becomes worse. After the ankle sprain is fixed, it is important to take appropriate treatment at an early stage to avoid sequelae. * If you can check yourself: Try to tighten the ankle and inner ankle from the side. If you compare the left and right feet, if there is joint release, the play is large, and you may be able to sense that it is spreading sideways. In addition, it is painful depending on the condition. *First of all, it is a good idea to have a sprain with bad healing examined (X-ray, etc.) by orthopedics. And please consult our hospital! *External rotation test is one way to determine damage to the tibial fibula ligament. The patient sits in a chair and bends the knees 90°, and the examiner grips the proximal position of the lower leg with one hand and externally rotates the foot in the middle of the ankle joint with the other. In the positive reaction, pain appears in the affected area. If you are worried about bad healing after spraining your ankle, please contact us. TEL 03-3272-1939 email: KIZU Chiropractic Main Director Naoaki KizuLanguage This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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