
~Practical Attitude Reform in Elementary Schools~ Papers
未来の健康寿命を支える小児姿勢教育 ~小学校における実践的姿勢改革~ 論文投稿いたしました。 ~文中から抜粋~ 国民の間には正しい姿勢に関する共通認識が未だに浸透していない。 良い姿勢の定義も曖昧である。姿勢を正すと言うと壁に背中と頭をつける姿勢など、その姿勢で数十分も保つのが難しいとされる姿勢が推奨されていることも珍しくない。これらはそもそも姿勢についてのリテラシーを育む場がないことにも起因する。 また、臨床の場では、これら姿勢の問題が起因していると思われる不定愁訴の悩み来院する患者が後を絶たない。近年では、姿勢や歩き方の悩みで来院する子供が増えている。 これらのことからも、子どもやその養育者、教育関係者に姿勢や動きの知識に触れてもらうことが、姿勢への捉え方、ひいては将来的な健康寿命の延伸に寄与するものと思われる。 今回筆者らは、2つの小学校で、A.196人(4~6年生)、B.368人(1~6年生)合計小学生564人に対して先行性姿勢調節(APAs)とニュートラル姿勢の支持の2点を中心に講義を行った。以下のセクションではこれらAPAsとニュートラル姿勢の必要性について述べ、また、実際に小学校で行った指導の内容や反応を紹介したい。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 論文掲載誌: 一般社団法人 映像情報メディア学会 The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers 本部: 〒105-0011 東京都港区芝公園3-5-8 機械振興会館 403号室 HQ :Room 403, Kikai Shinko Kaikan 3-5-8 Shiba Park, Minato Ward Tokyo, Japan 105-0011…

The important sense of control over the body in the process of children's growth
Important senses to control the body in the process of children's growth Human beings have the general "five senses" of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, but there are also three other important senses that unconsciously control the balance of the body: touch, proprioception, and vestibular sense. As children grow, these three senses integrate to acquire new functions. For the past five years, I have been researching children's inner thigh gait, and I have noticed the changes in children today. They often fall, can't catch the ball, can't throw well, walk, run, and have a hunched posture or inner thigh. I believe that this means that the natural senses are not being cultivated. What we have found through the intervention of these unnourished sensations is that we have not been able to integrate these senses. When people walk, they walk naturally, but in addition to the five senses, proprioception and presupposition work together, making it possible to walk straight without falling. One of the most common cases of children with inner thigh walking is that they can walk straight when walking in the hospital, but many of them walk inside when they walk outside without being conscious of it. We believe that it is necessary to avoid the underdevelopment of these senses that lead to the shape of skeletal joints and become adult bones as they are. So, this time, I will summarize the other three important senses of the five senses. I feel that if we can integrate these, it will lead to preventing deterioration of posture and gait. ■ Tactile sensation Tactile sensation is the sensation that is felt through the skin. It is the sensation of touch, pain, temperature, etc. Tactile sensation is the sensation of touching or being touched, which is felt through the skin. If there is a pebble in your shoe, you will feel pain and discomfort, and if someone pinches your skin, you will feel tingling. I check the temperature of water or hot water when I touch it, and the hardness of the fruit by touching it to see if it is ripe or not. ■ Proprioception is the feeling of feeling the position, movement, and force of one's body. Position, force, movement, etc. People adjust their strength by their activities, don't they? When carrying heavy or hard objects, I hold them with a lot of force in my hands. On the other hand, when holding tofu or eggs, hold them gently and gently. It prevents a cup full of juice from overflowing when carrying it in your hand, and stabilizes your body when you try to lift something with your hand. Also, when walking on the cobblestones, the soles of the feet naturally feel the unevenness of the ground so as not to fall. This is because proprioception is also at work. ■ Vestibular sense Vestibular awareness is the feeling of feeling the tilt, speed, rotation, and gravity of your body. The receptors are the otolith apparatus and the semicircular canal, which are located at the back of the ear. Vestibular awareness is greatly related to arousal (the degree of awakening of the brain). For example, have you ever tried to wake up by shaking your head when you feel sleepy? This is because the brain wakes up crisply by incorporating vestibular awareness when you are bored. Gravity exists on Earth. Feeling this gravity is the function of vestibular sense. When walking on a thin line, it is mainly the function of vestibular awareness to balance and adjust the tilt of your body. *Conclusion Vestibular perception, along with proprioception, is one of the senses necessary to grasp the functions of one's body. By being able to grasp the functions of the body, can you jump over this pond? Can you jump over this vaulting box? You can grasp the following and take on the challenge of the environment appropriately. At KIZU Chiropractic, we offer a variety of interventions aimed at correcting the growth curve of these children to their natural form. As a result, many children have improved their posture and inner thigh walking, and have improved symptoms such as physical discomfort, pain, and discomfort. If you are concerned about your child's posture or gait, we would appreciate it if you could consult with us as soon as possible. Children's bones have a lot of cartilage tissue called growth plates until they are about 10~12 years old. We believe that appropriate interventions should be made during the period of growth. LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

6May 2 Children's Posture and Walking Checking Event in Nagoya
2024Sunday, June 2, 9 a.m.:30~11:30 Children's Posture and Walking Style Check Event in Nagoya Venue: 〒463-0001 156 Kawahara, Moriyama-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi Prefecture Yuri Clinic Nagoya Higashi (Rehabilitation Room) Participation fee: ¥2,000 Number of applicants: 20 Click here for details and application With more than 30 years of experience in chiropractic treatment, the number of children visiting the clinic has increased in the last 10 years. I strongly felt the need to change the posture and gait of children as something I could do, and about 10 years ago, I opened the Children's Trotch Walking Research Center. Since then, posture research has led to the improvement of children's posture and gait, and now children who suffer from inner thigh walking are visiting from far away in Japan and overseas. In this seminar, we will discuss information about posture and inner thighs, self-care, as well as actual walking and posture checks. This seminar is useful for parents who are raising children, those who are about to give birth, and those who support childcare at nursery schools, etc., and it is a seminar that you should definitely listen to! Seminar content: *We will check the posture and walking style of all participants We will take a video and analyze it. * Perform a simple deep sensation test! What about proprioception and vestibular sensation? Check * What to watch out for when you are a child What you can and should not do while raising children, tools to be aware of * What parents should be aware of until the growth period Various risk factors in the growth process such as crawling, strollers, shoes * Posture self-check method for children Early detection of scoliosis and inner thigh gait * What you can do to improve your child's posture and gait About self-care methods at home It is structured to incorporate many practices such as self-check and prevention of children. We look forward to your participation! Click here for details and application Inner Thigh Gait Research Center Representative Naoaki Kizu LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

Toward a fundamental improvement in Osgood-Schlatter disease
Foot disorders that occur during your child's growth period Osgood's disease, shin splints, jumper's knee, Seaver's disease, etc., are all causes. In this article, we will explain the mechanism, how to deal with Osgood's disease, and what to do to improve it. Osgood-Schlatter disease (abbreviated as Osgood's disease) is a sports injury caused by bone growth during the growth period, and is a disease that causes painful inflammation of the bone and cartilage at the top of the shin bone (tibia). It is caused by the fact that excessive flexion and extension of the knee joint puts a load on the rough surface of the tibia to which the patellar ligament attaches, and a force is generated to peel off that part. The main symptoms include knee pain, swelling, tenderness, redness, and feverishness. The pain is aggravated by certain movements, such as running, kneeling, jumping, etc., and is relieved by rest. Osgood's disease is common in growing boys aged 10~16 years and occurs more often in sports such as jumping and kicking a ball. It is most common in children aged 10~15 years who actively play sports such as basketball and soccer. According to a survey in the United States, the prevalence of Osgood-Schlatter disease in 12 to 15 years old (males and females) is said to be 9.8%. Osgood's disease is a transient disease during the developmental period, and most of them are cured when growth is completed, so conservative treatment is the basis. If the pain is severe and there are local inflammation findings on the rough surface of the tibia, it is important to refrain from sports. Since the flexibility of the quadriceps muscle decreases and the tibial rough surface is strained, stretching, icing, warm-up and cool-down to improve the flexibility of the quadriceps muscle play a major role. In our treatment, we use the Graston Technique for Osgood's disease, with a focus on removing ligament adhesions and contractures at the patellar tendon ligament attachment area, which is the affected area. The Graston Technique improves the repair power of poor quality patellar tendon ligaments that have adhesions and contractures. After the procedure, icing and stretching of the quadriceps are performed. Toward Fundamental Improvement: Another possible root cause is the inability to use the floor reaction force well. We will strengthen the ankle stabilizing muscle groups such as the plantar muscle group, the flexor longus muscles, and the posterior tibialis muscles, and repair the alignment of the joints that hinder the chain of connection to the knee, hip joint, and trunk to connect the vector of force from the floor during jumps to the knees, hip joints, and trunk, and adjust the way the body is used. Alignment of the ankle joint is especially important. Instagram (Master of Posture) Osgood's Disease Watch the reel video (Graston Technique) here ============================== Sunday, June 2 9:30~11:30 Events for children's inner thigh walking & posture improvement Participation fee: ¥2000 * Things to watch out for when you are a child What you can and can't do while raising children, tools to be aware of * What parents should be aware of until the growth period Various risk factors in the growth process, such as crawling, strollers, shoes, etc. * About the posture self-check method for children Early detection of scoliosis and inner thigh gait * What you can do to improve your child's posture and gait Self-care at home About the Children's Inner Thigh Walking Research Center was established more than 10 years ago, which led to clinical research on children's inner thigh walking and posture, and now there is a flood of children suffering from inner thigh walking from Japan and overseas. This time, information about children's inner thighs and self-care, including actual walking and posture checks, can be taken for a very reasonable participation fee of 2000 yen, which is an informative event that parents should definitely listen to! Click here for details and registration for the June 2 (Sun) Nagoya Children's Event ============================== Inner Thigh Gait Research Center Representative Naoaki Kizu LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

Inner thigh walking and posture Papa and Mama study session Postscript
Inner thigh walking and posture Papa and Mama Study Session Postscript Date and time: March 2, 2024 21:00 ~ 22:30 (including Q&A) Participation format: Zoom online Theme: What you can do now for your child's future "Don't let them enter their growth period without knowing this knowledge!" Including the desire to view the archive, 24 people participated, which far exceeded our expectations. Thank you to everyone who participated! There has been an interview (investigation stage) from NHK about inner thigh walking, and it is not uncommon for it to be covered in the media, and I think that the number of children with inner thighs is increasing in the world. In internal thigh research, it is still mainly retrospective research, so reliability is poor, but it may show a clear correlation. For example, crawling. The overwhelming majority of children who walk on their inner thighs do not crawl. In addition, correlated data is gradually being gathered. In this study session, we explained what parents should be aware of during childcare and in the growth stage, self-check methods, and how to improve the ability to discern products for young children (childcare tools, etc.). The results of the questionnaire are as follows. Thank you to everyone who filled in! ・ I learned that children who walk quickly are also prone to inner thighs, and I understood the reason why my child over 30 has inner thighs. I wonder if it will be difficult to cure it anymore. I'm worried about the negative effects of old age. At that time, I was raised by sleeping on my stomach and developed quickly. Now, due to the fear of SIDS, I am instructed to always lie on my back when sleeping. There are a lot of children who are skinny ・I'm glad to know about childcare products that inhibit development and good things, ・ O legs are deficient in vitamin D. Mother's nutrition has an impact. I thought the sunlight had a big influence on me, but I'm glad I found out. ・ There were several things that applied to my child as a cause of inner thighs ↓ ・ The use of a sling is not good. In particular, I was taught by my midwife that I should not hold her vertically until she sat down, so I held her sideways in a sling for quite a long time(It is famous for its Toko-chan belt) More than half of them had a habit of orientation, and my son was on the left. Toko-chan's guidance above was effective in fixing it. Vitamin D deficiency and the relationship between O-legs. I was fed exclusively breastfeeding, but I didn't eat much fish. It has been pointed out by shoe stores that children's heel bones are very thin and prone to valgus. It may have been a nutritional deficiency. The room was small, so I stood without walking the bear. It's hard to solve, but I'd like to move into a bigger house and let them do it even if it's a rag. ・ The kindergarten is the distance to the bus. I thought it would be nice to go to the park, but if the problem is that the sitting time is long, it will be about 50 minutes round trip. ・ I don't play games, but I play blocks on the floor and read picture books, so I have the same posture. It would be nice to put a chub table and a chair, but there is no space. I didn't know the relationship between the neck and the inner thigh. ・ There are many causes of inner thighs and sitting, and there are various causes, and it seems better to solve them because they are hidden in daily lifestyle. When it comes to training, it doesn't last long. ・ Acquired was more than I expected ・ Thank you very much for the specialized and very easy-to-understand course! ・ Only the mother is concerned about the inner thigh, slapstick walking, posture, etc., and most people, such as her husband, relatives, and teachers at the kindergarten, treat her as a nervous mother who cares too much. I don't think there is a public perception that it is difficult to correct posture as an adult. I don't think that mothers will notice at all that they are tired easily and will not care if they have no experience in going to chiropractic treatment. Therefore, the mother who cares about it is very lonely, and it is difficult to try to fix it because she does not understand the people around her. I hope that his research will be widely recognized. Thank you very much for your time. We will do what we can now for the future of our children! Thank you for your continued support! Inner Thigh Gait Research Center Representative Director Naoaki Kizu LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

About the current status of inner thigh walking treatment
About the current status of inner thigh walking treatment 2024 will start, and it will be mid-February at the earliest. This year, we will focus more on research on inner thigh walking. Thank you for your continued support. One of the resolutions I made at the beginning of this year is to dig deeper into inner thigh walking. Time flies by, so I would like to summarize the current situation here. (1) The cause of inward thigh gait in children is mainly due to femoral hypersplining. (See my previous blog on femoral hypersplination.) (2) If you have this anterior twist of the femur, it is easy to sit on the ground. (You should not force your legs to open) (3) Why does the anterior torsion of the femur remain? The reason for this is largely due to habits from the time of babies. (4) Does something happen due to the baby's habits? Functional deterioration of the skeleton and brain occurs. (5) Appropriate intervention is necessary for its functional decline. An appropriate and continuous approach to skeletal and functional nerves is important. (6) Regarding the habits from the baby, the comments of the parents and the video of the growth stage should be observed. (7) Videos from childhood are valuable resources. (8) We were also able to develop a KIZU-type inner thigh test for anterior torsion of the femur, so it is easier to evaluate and feel changes. (9) In the upper grades of elementary school, it will be easier to be aware of the simple anatomy from the feet to the pelvis. Note: Just because you have an inner thigh, you should not force your legs to open. With the above points and plans, it is important to intervene as follows: * Regular examination and treatment, daily habits, daily training, shoe selection, how to wear shoes, video recording & observation We will hold an inner thigh walking study session in the near future. (There will be a charge.) Please register with the official LINE of Takumi Posture below. We will inform you of the schedule. Now, we will continue to deepen our research on inner thigh walking, so thank you for your support! * Regarding e-mail consultation, there are people who have been flooded with questions since the end of the year and have been delayed in replying. We apologize for keeping you waiting, and we will be sure to reply, so thank you. Inner Thigh Gait Research Center Representative Naoaki Kizu LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.