
内股歩き・姿勢 パパママ勉強会 開催後記

Inner thigh walking and posture Papa and Mama study session Postscript

Inner thigh walking and posture Papa and Mama Study Session Postscript Date and time: March 2, 2024 21:00 ~ 22:30 (including Q&A) Participation format: Zoom online Theme: What you can do now for your child's future "Don't let them enter their growth period without knowing this knowledge!" Including the desire to view the archive, 24 people participated, which far exceeded our expectations. Thank you to everyone who participated!  There has been an interview (investigation stage) from NHK about inner thigh walking, and it is not uncommon for it to be covered in the media, and I think that the number of children with inner thighs is increasing in the world. In internal thigh research, it is still mainly retrospective research, so reliability is poor, but it may show a clear correlation. For example, crawling. The overwhelming majority of children who walk on their inner thighs do not crawl. In addition, correlated data is gradually being gathered. In this study session, we explained what parents should be aware of during childcare and in the growth stage, self-check methods, and how to improve the ability to discern products for young children (childcare tools, etc.). The results of the questionnaire are as follows. Thank you to everyone who filled in! ・ I learned that children who walk quickly are also prone to inner thighs, and I understood the reason why my child over 30 has inner thighs. I wonder if it will be difficult to cure it anymore. I'm worried about the negative effects of old age. At that time, I was raised by sleeping on my stomach and developed quickly. Now, due to the fear of SIDS, I am instructed to always lie on my back when sleeping. There are a lot of children who are skinny ・I'm glad to know about childcare products that inhibit development and good things, ・ O legs are deficient in vitamin D. Mother's nutrition has an impact. I thought the sunlight had a big influence on me, but I'm glad I found out. ・ There were several things that applied to my child as a cause of inner thighs ↓ ・ The use of a sling is not good. In particular, I was taught by my midwife that I should not hold her vertically until she sat down, so I held her sideways in a sling for quite a long time(It is famous for its Toko-chan belt) More than half of them had a habit of orientation, and my son was on the left. Toko-chan's guidance above was effective in fixing it. Vitamin D deficiency and the relationship between O-legs. I was fed exclusively breastfeeding, but I didn't eat much fish. It has been pointed out by shoe stores that children's heel bones are very thin and prone to valgus. It may have been a nutritional deficiency. The room was small, so I stood without walking the bear. It's hard to solve, but I'd like to move into a bigger house and let them do it even if it's a rag. ・ The kindergarten is the distance to the bus. I thought it would be nice to go to the park, but if the problem is that the sitting time is long, it will be about 50 minutes round trip. ・ I don't play games, but I play blocks on the floor and read picture books, so I have the same posture. It would be nice to put a chub table and a chair, but there is no space. I didn't know the relationship between the neck and the inner thigh. ・ There are many causes of inner thighs and sitting, and there are various causes, and it seems better to solve them because they are hidden in daily lifestyle. When it comes to training, it doesn't last long. ・ Acquired was more than I expected ・ Thank you very much for the specialized and very easy-to-understand course! ・ Only the mother is concerned about the inner thigh, slapstick walking, posture, etc., and most people, such as her husband, relatives, and teachers at the kindergarten, treat her as a nervous mother who cares too much. I don't think there is a public perception that it is difficult to correct posture as an adult. I don't think that mothers will notice at all that they are tired easily and will not care if they have no experience in going to chiropractic treatment. Therefore, the mother who cares about it is very lonely, and it is difficult to try to fix it because she does not understand the people around her. I hope that his research will be widely recognized. Thank you very much for your time. We will do what we can now for the future of our children! Thank you for your continued support! Inner Thigh Gait Research Center Representative Director Naoaki Kizu LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

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