
Causes of inner thigh walking seen in data (pechanko sitting)
Data of children with inner thighs who came to the hospital This time, I focused on sitting on Pechanko. Number of visits = 146 Male to female ratio = 77% male / female 23% 1 year old 2 2 3 years old 1 4 years old 5 5 years old 13 6 years old 19 7 years old 23 8 years old 34 9 years old 19 10 years old 15 11 years old 9 12 years old and over5 As for baechanko sitting, it was found that 70% of children sit baechanko, as shown in the graph above. However, even among the children who answered that they did not, when I actually sat on the floor, there were several children who sat on the floor or sat on one leg, so I think this number is actually about 75 ~ 80%. There were also a few people sitting in the hidden pechanko as follows. (Hidden pechanko sitting with lower leg going outward while thinking of sitting upright) Discussion: From this data, I think it is safe to judge that children who are prone to hip internal rotation (pechanko sitting habit) have a correlation with internal thighs. Also, I think that children with inner thighs should continue to be careful not to do this sitting, including one leg or hiding, in their childhood. Naoaki Kizu, Head of the Children's Inner Thigh Gait Research Center This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.
Children who fall often (upper limbs and trunk chain)
We are focusing on the relationship between children's arm movements and inward walking! During walking, excitability of nerve pathways between extremities via spinal cord-specific neurons is thought to be activated. These results suggest that upper limb movement, which seems to have a low direct contribution to gaital movement, may actually contribute to the development of walking motor output. * Children's inner thigh walking training video ↓ Children's upper limbs and trunk Linkage function nerve training Further reading: Q. L. Xiong et al., “Motor Skill Development Alters Kinematics and Co-Activation Between Flexors and Extensors of Limbs in Human Infant Crawling,” in IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and…