
2020年11月7~8日 第一回キッズイベント開催報告!

2020November 7-8, 2010 The first kids event held report!

2020The first kids event was held on November 7 and 8, 2009. Themes change children's lives! I talked passionately about the skill of parents to become a child's body doctor!  This time, we have a program on children's posture issues and training methods with classroom study and practice. As a first attempt, on the first day, on the morning of the second day of the classroom for parents at night, the practice was held simultaneously for parents and children in real and online. As a measure against corona, Real has limited the number of people and held it on a small scale. 25 parents participated in the online classroom!?? 1On the second day, I explained the general discussion on the posture, growth, and movement of children, and as a theory, the points and mechanisms of how to analyze children's inner crotch walking were explained, and on the second day, parents actually practiced the body analysis of children as a body doctor! We also had a parent-child coordination training together and the kids were overjoyed! Thank you to everyone who participated! We introduced switching between two cameras and lighting, and it has become full-fledged! ========================================The following impressions were received from the parents and children who participated! =====================================1.It was good that I was able to study a lot of things. I was reminded that it is important for adults (parents) to notice and enjoy together. 2. It is very easy to understand because we will study on the first day and practice on the second day. I understood well that it is very important for parents to practice first. 3. It was very good to know how to take care of the points as parents in the process of their growth and how to pay attention to their children. 4. It was easy to understand about the inner crotch walk by how old you should be concerned about which point clearly. He taught me how to move my body from the way my child is interested, and I wanted to have fun working with parents and children. The explanation was online the day before, so there was no long explanation at the venue, and it was good that the child was able to participate without getting tired. It was also helpful to be able to review the video later. 5. I'm glad the children seemed to be more fun than anything else. It was also an event that parents, children, and families can enjoy. At this event, I thought that it was important for adults to watch over it and provide an environment where they can grow up on their own. Adults want to have the same perspective as children, from the perspective of adults who think about the future vision and "how can they get their children interested?" However, I wanted adults and children to devote their energies to society and politics for some reason, even though they wanted to share a good time with each other. 6. The reality is that if you do not know the current state of children in this corona disaster and approach something, you will surely be adversely harmed. 7. It was good that it was easy to incorporate into life that the way of playing to increase children's motor nerves was simple and fun. Even my brothers understood the difference between the inside crotch and not, and it was very helpful to run outside barefoot anyway. When posture changes, children's lives will change! We would like to continue our kids event in the future! Naoaki Kizu LanguageThis page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.


About children's posture improvement goods

I'm often asked questions about children's posture improvement goods. "Can I improve my posture using posture correction goods?" ? (1) Floating finger improvement goods Floating finger becomes the heel center of gravity and the toes float. The number of children with floating fingers is increasing. When you look at patients, they do not change even if you become an adult as they are, and there are many people who have floating fingers. ? (2) Cat back improvement corset (supporter) ?Certainly, children are so bad that they only see children with their backs. By forcibly waking up the posture, it may look somewhat less. ? (3) Internal crotch correction corset (Gibbs) ?It is certain that the number of children walking in the crotch is increasing. Gibbs corrects torsion of the tibia below the knee. It is to correct the torsion by fixing it, such as wearing it when sleeping.? There are various posture correction goods as described above on three problems. ? Here is my view. ? I have to do what the children are doing! I sympathy! And certainly, the difference may be clear if it is attached to the part and not. ?But what's important here is that the body needs to be thought about as a whole. I don't think we should capture it with parts. ?The whole body works in a connected chain. Capturing with a part interferes with the overall movement. I think correction in natural movement is necessary. ?Left image: The left side is the child's careful posture, but it is warped with a back of the cat with a floating finger. (It is also a plumid stomach.) Right image: The right side is after adjustment of the spine and pelvis to transmit the repulsive force from the floor to the body. It's clearly improving. In order to convey the repulsive force from the floor to the body, it is necessary for the kinetic kinetic chain to work correctly. Everything is happening in a chain. In order to cure this chain, it is necessary to correct the interlocking of the whole body. Unless congenital problems or strong pain interfere with daily life. I just hope that attitude improvement goods do not interfere with the growth of children easily. Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

Inner crotch treatment: Voice from father

息子が内股で悩んでいたのですが、この病院をホームページで見つけてすがる思いで。 通院して3週間。現在まだ通院中ですが本当にみるみる変化を遂げて幼少期からサッカーをやらせていたのですが、全く浮かず飛ばずのボールが今ではたったこの3週間のトレーニングで本当にしっかり蹴れるようになりました。 感謝しかありません。 かんたパパより ======================== かんたパパさんありがとうございます!息子さんがんばっていますね!明らかに体幹もできてきたし、足の内股も改善方向に向かっています。そして何より本人が治そうと思い始めているのが一番です。一緒にがんばりましょう! 院長 木津直昭Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。


The 1st Kids Event "Changing Children's Lives!" 』

Because of the Corona disaster, we need to change children's bodies now! Experience course where parents can become a body doctor for their children ■ Do you only look down and watch YouTube? ■Are you gnawing at your study desk? ■Is outdoor play decreasing? ■Have you had a sprain or fallen a lot lately? ■Wouldn't it be nice if parents could change their children's bodies? This is an event for parents closest to them to check their bodies and learn how to train their children! That's because it's best for parents to become their children's body doctors! 【Date & Time】 November 7 (Sat) 21:00~22:00 (Father and Mom Online) November 8 (Sun) 10:00~11:30 (Face-to-face practical training with parents and children) 【Scheduled for 8th】 Shibuya's largest studio "Studio Mission" 【Event Schedule】 Growth and Motor Function of Children (7th Online) Physical Dysfunction in Children (7th Online) Coordination training experience and self-child joint check together with parents and children (face-to-face lecture OR online on 8th) 【Participation method and fee】50 families (100 people) Child age 5~12 years old (1) Parent and child (one parent, one child participating) ¥2,000 500 yen per additional person (2) Pair split (participation of two or more parents and children) 500 yen discount per family (500 yen discount for each family) Please see the QR code for details and application! Contact: 03-3272-1939 (KIZU Chiropractic) Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.


Inner crotch walking test of elementary school students (tibia volvulus)

内股歩行の検査方法として、脛骨の捻転を評価する検査があります。 大腿骨に対しての脛骨の捻転状態を特殊な分度器で測ります。 この写真の小学生(9歳)は、左足が12度の内捻、右足が8度の外捻でした。少し左の内捻が強いので、体幹の捻れを施術し、しっかり床反力を使えるようなエクササイズを含めた施術プランをたてました。 以下一般的な脛骨捻転検査とその評価について 脛骨捻転には外側への捻転(外捻)と内側への捻転(内捻)がある。脛骨の外捻は成長とともに起こる正常な現象であり出生時の0°から成人期までに20°まで変化する。外捻が問題となることはまれである。 内捻は出生時には一般的にみられるが典型的には成長とともに消失する。しかしながら過度の捻転は神経筋系の問題による場合がある。捻転はBlount病に伴って生じることもある( 股関節下肢および足の先天異常 : 内反膝および外反膝)。過度の捻転が長期間持続すると内旋歩行やO脚を来すことがある。 脛骨捻転を評価するには腹臥位で膝関節を90°屈曲させた状態で足の軸と大腿軸の角度を測定する。典型的には足の軸が大腿軸に対して10°外側に向いている。 院長 木津直昭Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。

One-year follow-up of elementary school students' winding shoulders and inner crotch walking (sequel)

考察: 内股歩きの小学校4年生(9歳)の男の子 前回のブログに症例報告した小学生ですが、その後1年経過観察し、月に一度施術を継続し経過良好です。 来院時(2019年4月)、左動画のように内股歩行で巻き肩・猫背で左右とも内股でペタペタ歩いていまいた。 右動画(2020年2月)、前回6月の動画では、少し意識して外股にしている様子がありましたが、今は、意識せずに自然な歩行で内股が改善しています。 猫背は改善され、肩甲骨の動きがまだ固いですが、内股歩行に関しては親御さんが日常で確認していても、ほとんどしなくなったとの嬉しい報告です。 自宅でのセルフエクササイズでは、本人に自覚もでき継続しているおかげで体幹はかなり強化されました。 本人も姿勢の改善と内股歩き克服でき『良い姿勢』が楽と感じ始めているようです!Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。

KIZUカイロプラクティック アイコン Tokyo Japan bridge

weekday 10:00~20:00
Saturday 9:00~17:00
Excluding public holidays