
Improvement of inner crotch walking and back (4th grade of elementary school) case 5

Discussion: A boy in the fourth grade (9 years old) of the elementary school walking in the inner crotch at the time of coming to the hospital (April 2019), I walked petapeta in the left and right crotch with the shoulder and the back of the cat wound by the inner crotch walking as shown in the left video. It was improved in two months by the back inclination of the back of the cat's back and pelvis and the inner crotch correction of the hip joint. In self-exercise at home, the trunk is strengthened, and it improves early as a result of making the consciousness of the muscle of the back side such as the arm swing exercise, and the trunk seems to have improved posture well, and confidence of overcoming the inner crotch walk came out. KIZU Chiropractic (Nihonbashi, Tokyo) https://www.kizuchiro.com/ For consultation on treatment, please contact TEL03-3272-1939 Inner Crotch Walking Research Center https://uchimata-walk.com/ #巻き肩 #内股歩行 #子供内股 #扁平足Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました. Please note that it may differ from the original content.


Crotch misalignment of internal elementary school students (Case 4)

Discussion: A 4th grade (9-year-old) boy in the elementary school walking inside. At first, in the inner crotch walking, but the crotch deviation was lost with the improvement of the inner crotch walking. At the time of the first visit on April 5, at the time of the 5th visit on June 1, the progress treatment is still continuing, but it has improved considerably in two months by the back tilt of the pelvis and the inner crotch correction of the hip joint. During self-exercise at home, we had them exercise actively and strengthen the trunk. KIZU Chiropractic (Nihonbashi, Tokyo) https://www.kizuchiro.com/ For consultation on treatment, please contact TEL03-3272-1939 Inner Crotch Walking Research Center https://uchimata-walk.com/ #巻き肩 #内股歩行 #子供内股 #扁平足Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

Improvement of rolled shoulders, flat feet, and inner crotch walking in elementary school students (Case 3)

Discussion: A 9-year-old boy in the fourth grade of elementary school with his shoulders and inner crotch. At first, the back of the hand was walking forward with the winding shoulder. It is a typical inner crotch walking of the pelvic successor in the back of the cat. The foot came out only in front, and the foot was not able to be kicked in the back. It is thought that the reason why there are a lot of children who cannot swing the arm when walking is that the scapula is not moving and there is no consciousness of the back. Although the course treatment is still continuing, it has improved considerably in three weeks by straightening the winding shoulder, the back tilt of the pelvis, and the inner crotch correction of the hip joint. In self-exercise at home, I had the trunk strengthened. KIZU Chiropractic (Nihonbashi, Tokyo) https://www.kizuchiro.com/ For consultation on treatment, please contact TEL03-3272-1939 Inner Crotch Walking Research Center https://uchimata-walk.com/ #巻き肩 #内股歩行 #子供内股 #扁平足Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

Improvement of floating finger and inner crotch walking in children (Case 2)

Discussion: The rear of the pelvis makes it difficult to open the hip leg. It should focus on the linkage between the pelvis and the hip joint rather than the hip joint itself. In addition, there are many children who spend time on the floor from childhood, and if there are a lot of pechanko sitting and side sitting, it will cause the alignment of the hip joint and pelvis to break, so I want parents to observe it carefully. If there is pain in the hip joint, there is also a suspicion of acetabular failure, so there is a risk of forcibly opening the leg. If you are concerned, ask them to be examined by orthopedics or consult a JCR-registered chiropractor!  Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

Improvement of inner crotch walking 1

Discussion: From an early age, I went to orthopedic surgery and osteopathic clinic, followed up, and came to the hospital because I was worried that my condition was deteriorating. I thought about how to fix gibbs as another therapy, but it seems that he was looking for a method that made use of the healing power according to the growth of the child rather than a surgical method. In our hospital, we place importance on linkage from the hip joint to the knee joint and ankle joint, and as a result of the treatment of a big negative factor called the back of the cat at the same time, it became an improvement tendency from about three months.  If there is no internal rotation abnormality of the hip joint, and the distortion and congenital abnormality from the knee to the ankle, it may be necessary to choose the cast fixing method. However, there are a lot of inner crotch walking by the functional disorder caused by the balance of the muscle and the skeleton.  Why does this inner crotch walk and its balance not improve with growth? does not lead to fundamental improvements. The result which can be treated without knowing the cause is not born. I think we should choose a treatment that matches the growth of our children. This boy patiently did the exercise and posture guidance that I proposed. Thanks to you, it seems to have turned to the recovery direction at an early stage. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.


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