Improvement of rolled shoulders, flat feet, and inner crotch walking in elementary school students (Case 3)
Discussion: A 9-year-old boy in the fourth grade of elementary school with his shoulders and inner crotch. At first, the back of the hand was walking forward with the winding shoulder. It is a typical inner crotch walking of the pelvic successor in the back of the cat. The foot came out only in front, and the foot was not able to be kicked in the back. It is thought that the reason why there are a lot of children who cannot swing the arm when walking is that the scapula is not moving and there is no consciousness of the back. Although the course treatment is still continuing, it has improved considerably in three weeks by straightening the winding shoulder, the back tilt of the pelvis, and the inner crotch correction of the hip joint. In self-exercise at home, I had the trunk strengthened. KIZU Chiropractic (Nihonbashi, Tokyo) https://www.kizuchiro.com/ For consultation on treatment, please contact TEL03-3272-1939 Inner Crotch Walking Research Center https://uchimata-walk.com/ #巻き肩 #内股歩行 #子供内股 #扁平足Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました. Please note that it may differ from the original content.